Contact Us

Russell Sage Foundation

112 E. 64th Street

New York, NY 10065

Phone: (212) 750-6000



To purchase a book: (800) 621-2736

To request a desk or examination copy: (212) 750-6038

General publications inquiries:

Visiting Scholars Program

Applications for Visiting Scholar positions can be submitted online. A link to the online application portal can be found here. The deadline for applications is late June of the year prior to the desired year of residence.

General inquiries about the Visiting Scholars Program may be directed to the foundation's main line at (212) 750-6000 or

Project Grants

The Foundation's grants are restricted to support for social science research within our announced programs. Our website, reports, and other publications provide descriptions of each of these programs and examples of the research we have supported in the past. The Foundation typically makes grants up to $200,000. We provide support primarily for analyzing data and writing up results. We are particularly interested in innovative projects that collect or analyze new data to illuminate issues that are highly relevant to the Foundation's program goals.

Instructions for applying for research grants from the Russell Sage Foundation can be found here.

General inquiries about the foundation's project grants and programs may be directed to the foundation's main line at (212) 750-6000 or


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Press Contacts: David Haproff, Director of Communications: (212) 750-6037

Book Review Copies: Bruce Thongsack, Marketing Manager: (212) 750-6021

Please contact Bruce Thongsack if you experience any technical issues with our website or online bookstore.



RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal of original empirical research articles by both established and emerging scholars.


The Russell Sage Foundation offers grants and positions in our Visiting Scholars program for research.


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