Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics (BE)



Since 1994, RSF sponsors the Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics every other year. In recent years, the summer institute has been organized by David Laibson and Matthew Rabin (Harvard University). The program accepts about 30 participants. Most participant costs during the institute, including housing and most meals, are covered, and travel expenses are reimbursed up to a set cap. The schedule includes sessions outlining evidence, principles, and formal models of psychological foundations of different economic topics as well as sessions presenting recent research. It also provides opportunities for students to discuss their ideas and research with the organizers, visiting faculty, and other participants.

2024 Summer Institute

From the evening of Saturday, June 29 (arrival) to the morning of Monday, July 9 (departure), the 15th Summer Institute in Behavioral Economics will be held at Endicott House, Dedham, MA. The workshop introduces graduate students and starting faculty in economics to the findings and methods for using psychological principles to improve economic research. Candidates in other disciplines—such as psychology, business administration, or public policy—with advanced training in economic theory are also eligible.

The co-organizers and principal faculty are David Laibson and Matthew Rabin, who will attend the full program. Visiting faculty include Stefano DellaVigna, George Loewenstein, Ulrike Malmendier, Katy Milkman, Muriel Niederle, Gautam Rao, and Richard Thaler. The program will include sessions outlining foundational principles and evidence; approaches to integrating these principles into economics; and applications in different economic contexts. There will also be panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and opportunities for participants to discuss their own research ideas with the organizers, visiting faculty, and other participants. (Past programs can be found at


Participation is restricted to Ph.D. students who by July 2024 will have completed at least one year of their program, and faculty and postdocs who earned a Ph.D. since May 2023.

Housing costs and meals served as part of the program (breakfasts, snacks between sessions, and almost all lunches and dinners) will be covered. We also provide a capped stipend for travel expenses, which is linked to the location of your doctoral program and set to cover most, but not all, of the costs of travel from there. (Those admitted for whom unavoidable travel costs in excess of the stipend would generate financial hardship should let us know.) Participants will be required to complete some assigned readings in advance, and to fully attend the entire formal educational program from the morning of June 30 through the afternoon of July 8th. (July 4th is a break day with no scheduled events.)

There are no application instructions beyond this announcement. Applications must be submitted via the RSF online portal, Fluxx. Instructions: (1) Create an account (no later than Friday, March 22) or log in to your existing account. (2) Start a new “Summer Institute” application and select “Behavioral Economics.” (3) Complete the Fluxx application form and submit the following documents: i) a CV; ii) a statement (maximum three pages) describing your interest in behavioral economics and (if any) relevant research; and (except for postdocs and faculty) iii) PhD transcripts of courses and grades (unofficial copy); and iv) two letters of recommendation from faculty advisors (submitted separately via the Fluxx portal). Note: We anticipate a large pool of highly qualified applicants and to make admission decisions quickly, so applications and letters must be received by the deadline; letters can be brief, but as informative as possible about your standing in the program (e.g., approximate rank in your doctoral class, comparisons to previous participants), research potential, and (if applicable) involvement in behavioral economics. Complete applications, including letters of recommendation, must be submitted by Friday, March 29. We will notify applicants by Monday, April 8, and will ask participants to confirm participation soon thereafter.

Send all inquiries to Anybody who needs information before April 8 can (after submitting their application) email such a request with an explanation; we will try to accommodate such requests. Technical questions about the application portal (Fluxx) should be sent to


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